Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hi all,

Winter break is over and the new academic year is about to begin. We've raised over $7000 for students here at Kuen-Gaa! We will interview possible candidates on February 25th at the school. We took out an ad in one of the national newspapers advertising the scholarships. The principal and vice principal are expecting dozens students to show up.

The candidates will be judged in three categories. First, the candidates have a round of interviews with the principal, vice principal and senior teachers. Second, the candidates write two essays. Third, we will look at the candidates' scores from the tenth-grade national exam. In each category, the students will receive up to ten points and the students with the highest total scores will receive the scholarships.

The candidates must also bring a letter of nomination from the head of their village, called a gup, and they must demonstrate financial need through appropriate documents.

Expect another post next week with short biographies of the winners!
